1 min readJan 23, 2022


EMAIL MARKETING- Forms & Form Builder

How I got my business back on track

A while back, I noticed that my business seemed flat. It was generating enough money to pay the bills but it wasn't growing.

A closer look revealed that I was losing subscribers. A reader's interest can change any time and they move on. Unsubscribers are part of the business.

What bothered me was that I wasn't replacing them with fresh subscribers. I knew if this continued, my business could die.

Guess what I discovered? Getresponse.

Getresponse introduced new sign up form types with better behaviour for attracting subscribers. So I decided to experiment.

Guess what else I discovered, they work.

I spent some time on Getresponse integrations for Twitter, Facebook and Linked In. Immediately, my subscriber list began to grow. And as new subscribers engaged, they became customers.

This growth encouraged me to try another list-growth technique - webinars.

I use Getresponse, it's affordable for any business and includes all the list-building tools you'll ever need.

Click this kink to try Getresponse for FREE for 30 days -[[9Fhrwhgwan]]

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